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how to correctly add jquery in activeadmin with api only mode and no application.js

When trying to make a custom page in active_admin in a rails api-only app, I get the following: $ is not defined I moved jquery.js into my /assets folder and imported it in my active_admin.js....
Ayrad's user avatar
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Rails 5 Active Admin use JQuery to show/hide field in form after dropdown selected

EDIT: I used Leo answer and edited the code a little, update code below I have course model which has many segments. Segment is Video or Quiz, and Quiz has many questions. I have form which contain ...
Ofir Sasson's user avatar
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couldn't find file 'active_admin/base' with type 'text/css'

I am trying to use Active_admin to make an admin app that will allow my non-profit to take attendance of students in our program among other things such as sign permissions, calendar etc. I was trying ...
Hodari Toure''s user avatar
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Can't get ActiveAdmin Addons nested_select to give a pulldown menu, instead i get checkboxes

I am a newbie so excuse any mistakes in format. I am using ActiveAdmin to build an admin section on my website where teachers can take attendance and make assignments and check students work in our ...
Hodari Toure''s user avatar