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Adding Numeric Range Filtering to ActiveAdmin

Greetings and Happy Holidays 2015 -- I tried to add numeric range filtering per the excellent blog post by Boris Stall. I'm running: Rails 4.2.4 Ruby 2.2.3 ActiveAdmin 1.0.0pre2 I keep running ...
Hunt Norment's user avatar
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2 answers

Create a custom string filter in ActiveAdmin that defaults to Contains and doesn't show a string filter choice drop down - Formtastic & Ransack

The default string filter in ActiveAdmin has a select the options of: Contains Equals Starts with Ends with This shows a dropdown next to the string search where you are able to choose these options....
bnussey's user avatar
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Activeadmin and Formtastic with HStore column

I am unable to edit or add a new model in activeadmin that has an HStore column due to the following error. Unable to find input class for hstore How can I get activeadmin and formtastic to play ...
MicFin's user avatar
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