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75 views file corrupted?

I want to download in frontend an excel file that is coming from backend as OData. The file is encoded using FM 'SCMS_BASE64_ENCODE_STR' and now I want to decode it and download it using SAPUI5. I am ...
Pablo Sinder's user avatar
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SAPUI5 Basic Template use of Annotations

I am having requirement to use value help that was created using @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition. I have used them in different UI5-based templates. There is no need of extra coding for that. Is ...
shaik sharuk's user avatar
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How to extract/read content from an attached file in abap cds

I am creating an abap cloud project with cds that's integrated in btp abap environment on a trial account . I've also managed to upload/attach a csv file from local storage to one of my table fields ...
kv_smasher's user avatar
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How to deploy UI5 app to ABAP Repository in SAP BAS?

I have a custom ui5 app which is already deployed in the ABAP Repository. Currently I'm new to this ui5. I have made some changes in the view.xml file. I want to deploy the changes into the SAP system....
Arun Kumar's user avatar
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Showing SAP Fiori App Tile only for a time period

Is there a way to show a Tile just for a Time Period? e.g. Show Fiori App Tile just in December but not in other Months. I'm looking for a way to code that. Is there maybe a OData Service where the ...
jfenris's user avatar
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Operation_Start method is not being triggered

I'm currently facing an interesting issue with the implementation of soft state in an OData service within a specific customer system. In all other systems, the soft state functionality operates as ...
Eray's user avatar
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multiple values as input parameter for CDS consumption view

is there a way to pass multiple values as input parameter, if the CDS View is a consumption view consumed by a list report template? As far as I found out you could achieve this by calling the CDS ...
Ardit's user avatar
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Change the behavior of a filter on a standard unmanaged query

I have added a field to the Supplier List Fiori app by extending the underlying CDS views C_SupplierList and C_Supplier. This new field holds a concatenation of the Supplier's Industry sectors in a ...
Cutter's user avatar
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2 answers

How to bind OData to mailTo button in sap ui5

I have a SAP UI5 Form with a button at the bottom that should sendthe Form to an emmil address. The backend part is already ready, made with ABAP, so I already have the OData address. I need now a ...
boba_fett's user avatar
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SAP: Problem connecting BAS to CF for Odata service

I am trying to connect to my cloud foundry abap environment, where I "created" and deployed an Odata Service based on that course:
MarcL's user avatar
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submitChanges() with Deep Entity?

I have an odata with a navigation set. For example, Order entityset with Items entityset. Items entityset is a navigation set (subset) of Order. It's a one to many relationship. Each order may have 0 ...
Fahmi Eshaq's user avatar
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How i can set a default value in a cds view for a smarttable

i have a question how i can set a default value in a cds view for a fiori elements app(based on annotations) what i tryed. I want to have the current date as a default value. @Consumption.filter: { ...
Jünge alles's user avatar
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Where can I find the sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json file and how is it leveraged?

I'm new to OpenUI5 and I'm trying to understand how the OpenUI5 cache buster works by reading through the documentation. I don't understand where I can find the generated sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json. ...
RabbitG's user avatar
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UI5 deploy to abap error "task is not a function"

Using cli to deploy the application. I've used several versions of nodes, operating systems, command lines: both shell and terminal but this error persists. I've already uploaded and downloaded the @...
Luiz Carlos Pedroso Gomes's user avatar
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'My Leave Requests' - how to adjust default settings?

I am implementing a standard SAP Fiori Application named 'My Leave Requests 3' into a SAP Fiori Launchpad on-premise. I have followed the installation and configuration steps listed in the ...
Flare's user avatar
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How to get parameters via $batch method CHANGESET_PROCESS?

I would usually get Function Import parameters from IT_PARAMETER in ~EXECUTE_ACTION, however if I'm coming in via $batch and therefore hitting ~CHANGESET_PROCESS, how do I get the import parameters? ...
Fishrage_'s user avatar
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Why does `sap.ui.export.Spreadsheet` convert dates to UTC when exported from SAP Fiori launchpad, even though I set the `utc: false`?

I am using sap.ui.export.Spreadsheet to export some data to Excel. My problem is that the date field values are always converted to UTC. I don't have this problem on my local SAP Web IDE. But when I ...
Mehmet SUBASI's user avatar
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Filtering based on abap timestamp fails

I have an Odata Service where there is a field for ABAP Timestamp in Edm.Decimal format. Now when I try to filter the data between a given time frame, it is failing with error ( 400 ). Example: I ...
Badhusha's user avatar
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Can the execution of ABAP code be triggered from an HTML page via Javascript?

To visualize it a bit better, assume this nonsense example: A simple, freestyle HTML/CSS/JS page is served via an HTTP service in ICF. The page was populated with data from SPFLI, i. e. an HTML table ...
Brix's user avatar
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ABAP Restful Application Programming Model (RAP) - Remove BT (between) operator from filters

This is a know issue ABAP Restful Application Programming Model (RAP).
Adam Harkus's user avatar
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How to set date range for @Consumption.filter.defaultValue?

I'm using the ABAP Restful Application Programming Model - oData v2. I'd like to be able to default in a date range of say, a CreationDate within the last 3 months. At a very basic level, I can ...
Adam Harkus's user avatar
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SmartFilterBar Currency with 3 instead of 2 decimals

I have the following problem: The value of the filter field is converted to a number with 3 decimals. This does not happen with the table values. The metadata is set to scale=3. I do not know why ...
Fjaoos's user avatar
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Smartfield annotation for showing names of the key variables does not work. Do you have any idea about it?

I implement annotation as shown is SDK, but it doesn't affect my smartfield. Still, it shows only key value. But I want to show that like 'description(key)'. Do you have any idea? My annotation code: ...
İsmail Erdogan's user avatar
2 votes
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Serve partial content (HTTP 206) via SAP Gateway Media into SAPUI5 App

In my SAPUI5 application I am trying to include a video, which is working very well. The video is from a media stream from SAP Gateway, which is built with OData V2. The video is shown in a custom ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 answers

Metadata Extension missing in Eclipse

I am trying to create a Metadata Extension for my CDS View in Eclipse IDE 2021-06. I already installed all ABAP software from Still I am not able to create a ...
Adriatic's user avatar
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Deployment .woff and woff2 files to SAP system

I want to deploy my web app from Web IDE to SAP system but I've got problems with a custom font. OTS parsing error: Size of decompressed WOFF 2.0 is less than compressed size I think it's because in ...
alexP's user avatar
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How to change Standard Application label text in UI5 dynamically in view controller

i am extending SAP standard HCM Application and standard field(STRAS) label coming from ODATA is 'House Number and Street' but i want to change and assign new label text 'Address Line 1' in UI5 View ...
Abdul Qayyum's user avatar
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SAP oData Service - How to link two entity sets

In my first SAP fiori app I have created two entities in the odata Gateway in SAP backend. One for the main entity called 'Notification' and one for some value help field entity called 'Status'. Now I ...
Missschaaa's user avatar
1 vote
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Can i change in the OData errorhandling the errordetails property?

is there a way to change in the /IWBEP/CX_MGW_BUSI_EXCEPTION the errordetails the property code? Like write my own stuff in there For Example
Jünge alles's user avatar
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UI5: Variant persistent using Smart Variant Management

My UI5 app resides in SAP Gateway system, I am using SmartVariant management in UI5 to store variants. I would like to persist the variant details in ABAP backend system not in SAP Gateway system. ...
Rathish Menon's user avatar
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SAPUI5 oModel.create() with Array [closed]

I have a OData Model in my application, where I want to add a new entry. This code works fine in my case: ODataModel.createEntry("/showcaseSet", { properties: { ...
haris's user avatar
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How to access a two levels deep nested association of an OData V2 service?

I have exposed an OData V2 Service via the ABAP Service Gateway (SEGW) based on a CDS View. The view contains indirect associations to two other views (entity_1 > entity_2 > entity_3 - no direct ...
mxmlndml's user avatar
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Complex type in a define method for `Upload` in UI5

I'm using FileUploader element and in backend, I redefined the DEFINE method. The value, Mimetype, and filename fields are in a separated complex type inside the entity. I set the checkbox media for ...
Topper's user avatar
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Delete filters from Fiori ABAP backend

I tried to delete line from it_filter_select_options but don't know how. Is there any method to do that? My URI passes the value in filter but sometimes in some specific conditions I don't want to ...
Kamil's user avatar
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SapUI5 odata v4 calling function error "unknown operation"

I would like to call a function import with the odata v4 model, but I get an error. The error message is “Unknown operation:”. I think, “operation” means the kind of http request get or post, or? My ...
Maxi Dietz's user avatar
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Skip & Top parameters do not pass to the backend

Submitting the request below from to my Server having put a break-point at the beginning of my GET_ENTITYSET method (just pay attention to the skip/top params at the beginning) GET AgreementsSet?$skip=...
Greg's user avatar
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How to filtering information on the second page based on data on the first page in SAPUI5? [duplicate]

I have a table. The first field of this table contains ID data. When I click the marked button, I go to the second page. And this page has a few tables below as well. Like this... I get ID data in ...
shrgrl's user avatar
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The PDFViewer is not showing the content while downloading is possible

I am trying to use a PDFViewer in a SAPUI5 application, something like the following sample app. When I try to use this component in Google chrome it will not load the data, however it is possible to ...
MJBZA's user avatar
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multiple exclude data can't catch in filter option odata

I create smart table sapui5 screen by using odata (S4Hana) . On the odata side, get the filter value from smart filter by using this method ⇒ [ io_tech_request_context->get_filter( )->...
July's user avatar
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Create Deep Entity SAPUI5 - Item Data Not Transmitted

I used to the following tutorial to build a Fiori app with a deep entity (I used invoice header + items): Everything works fine ...
susosaurus's user avatar
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Create deep entity without deep structure

I want to pass an amount of storage units in one step. I need all storage units at once in the CREATE_ENTITY method in my OData service implementation (CREATE_ENTITY, or CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY, or...?), ...
Julia's user avatar
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SAPUI5: OData V2 returns error "The Data Services Request could not be understood due to malformed syntax"

I'm trying to use OData V2 as suggested in this comment. The issue is whenever I use sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel rather than the deprecated sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel, I get this error from ...
Abdulelah's user avatar
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Smart Filter Go Button return error message

I want to show the error message return from odata after clicking the go button of smart filter bar the error . How to get return message and show ? errormsg Although I write the logic in search ...
July's user avatar
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Passing filters in OData service SAP UI5 to ABAP

I am reading two parameters from URL. var spayid ="payid"); var spaydt ="paydt"); Now I have to pass these ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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3 answers

No option to submit and retrieve SAP UI5 application in ABAP Repository

I got an issue regarding submitting and retrieving SAP UI5 applications. Usually I would create my UI5 project and submit it by right clicking on project and then TEAMS->Share-> then I share my ...
User112232010's user avatar
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SAPUI5 SmartChart with CDSView Annotations is not Displayed

I am pretty new to the SAP environment and couldn't find a suitable solution to the following problem in the community forum or using the samples/templates/API docs or SAP books, thus I am asking this ...
Philipp's user avatar
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SAPUI5 Send oData Request to Changeset

I would like to send a batch request to the changeset in the backend from my UI5 application. I did the following: I created an Entity in my segw service. In the "changeset_begin" method I set the ...
Baileys's user avatar
-1 votes
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SAPUI5 - oModel.create is not a function

I'm trying to build a simple SAPUI5 application that basically lists a table filled with employee data (ID, name, address). However, I cannot add new employee because I always get the same error: ...
susosaurus's user avatar
-4 votes
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How to differentiate whether a call to SAP is from OData API or Fiori app

I have a requirement to find whether the call to the specific application is from Odata API call ( Third-party ) or Fiori app Third-party applications will use our OData API to call those ...
BalajiB's user avatar
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SAP ABAP Listen on Port

I have created a RFC Connection (SM59) to an external HTTP Server. I can now send a HTTP POST from SAP to this server and get a response of it. But in some cases the web server has to send a request ...
IbGaunt's user avatar