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1 answer

Trying to read Split Zip File throws ZipException in zip4j

I am having a split zip file and I am trying to use isSplitArchive() Function from zip4j. But I am getting an exception saying Zip headers not found. Probably not a ...
Diliban B's user avatar
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Extracting large password protected 7zip files whilst streaming?

I have a requirement to unzip password protected 7zip files from AWS S3 to a container that has limited space. The problem is I can't download the entire zip file and then attempt to extract it ...
Brunaldo's user avatar
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1 answer

7-Zip extracts file in encrypted zip but 7z.exe fails to see file

I have an archive file that I would like to decrypt and unzip and have the data inside available in R. After some trial and error, I ended up trying the system command in R and 7-zip to extract first ...
J.C.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How to exclude folders while executing 7zip cmd?

The problem is rather simple. I am making a module that creates a zip and then adds files to the zip using this command in Delphi 6: ExecuteAndWait('7z.exe', Format('u -p%s "%s" "%s&...
Tomo Skraby's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Zip file metadata oddity – reasonable or suspicious?

create a directory D containing directory E. In E create files F1 and F2. Turn D into a zip file. Examining this zip file using python and the zipfile module, or 7zip using the CLI flag to get ...
user3779002's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Move files within a ZIP archive [closed]

My Eclipse and Maven development environments are using a different directory structure, such that if I export my results into a JAR / ZIP file, the required directories are included, but at the wrong ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create password protect zip file in nodejs using node-7z-archive package

Please anyone guide me, how We can create password protected zip file and extract. using node-7z-archive actually I want to create password protect zip ...
Varun Suryavanshi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

7zip move file in subfolder and change file name

I create a zip file in server and download. It work by winrar unzip file |__test1 |__ test04.txt But when I unzip by 7zip with file download from window server (it work with file download from ...
Khang Nguyễn's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Batch Script to zip file using CMD batch file

I was trying to run the following script to zip each file to an individual zip file of its own. The code was executed without errors, but it did not generate any zip files. Could anyone let me know ...
Sunnie's user avatar
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1 answer

Embed ZIP files directly within a PowerShell script, not in a separate file

I would like to include some small archives, Zip and 7z into PS1. How to put the archive into $string for example? Or what is the best way to include the archive into the script itself, not in ...
Ivan Benishek's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to extract a mult-part zip file in python?

Suposse that I have some files that I downloaded from a server and they are zipped with 7zip in multiple parts, the format is something like this,, ..., ...
NewbieInFlask's user avatar
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1 answer

How to unzip(extract) 7zip(.7z ext) files in jenkins pipeline

I'm working on jenkins pipeline. I managed to unzip .zip files using jenkins utility steps plugin. However, a few files are zipped by 7zip which produces .7z files and they are not recognized by the ...
Andy Lee's user avatar
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PHP : Why extracted zip filename is changed for Japanese characters in lhaplus software?

I am working on zip file creation and downloading using PHP (Laravel). Zip created and download works well. But the problem is in lhaplus software. When extracting the zip file using lhaplus, it has ...
Abdus Salam's user avatar
1 vote
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Manually reorganizing files that are common in multiple folders make compression unexpectedly more efficient

I have 4 apps that I'm trying to compress as much as possible and I discovered that I can get a much better compression just by manually moving the files that are common for all 4 projects into a ...
Q-bertsuit's user avatar
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How to recreate Could not find: zip split file error

I have a zip file over 15gb with an error. I need to modify a bash code to handle the error (not to correct it just to "catch it"), the thing is that the size of the file makes me go very ...
Christian David Sierra Martnez's user avatar
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1 answer

C++ bit7z : Exception thrown at ... in ... Microsoft C++ exception: bit7z::BitException at memory location 0x001AF440 & paths of directory and files

I'm trying to create a program that, on execution, zips a given directory. Most of my errors have been resolved and I am hopefully getting to the end of this, but I still have the issue of an ...
iamSekhmet's user avatar
1 vote
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C++ bit7z Unresolved External Symbol _imp_CharUpperW@4

I'm trying to use bit7z in my C++ code to create a program that zips a directory. I'm receiving a LNK2019 error for something called _imp_CharUpperW@4 in my bit7z_d.lib. My IDE is Visual Studio ...
iamSekhmet's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Most efficent way to compress a lot of small files

Im trying to create a backup of approx. 1400 repositories. These repos are all cloned to a VM. Now i need to compress these into 1 zip, but this takes a long time. currently I've set the cap on 600min ...
Avixon's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

get uncompressed size of zip

I am trying to automate Oracle Database patching on Windows and one of the issues I have is with verifying that enough space is available on server(s) in order to copy and extract the patches. What I ...
Seke's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to fix headers of a zip file in hex editor?

I am a completely beginner in file structures or in this field. I am trying to extract a .7z file, but it shows "Cannot open file_name.7z as an archive". So i researched and found that there ...
Neelakanta's user avatar
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Java 7 Zip-JBinding Truncated zip file extracted from ISO

I am using below code (link to full code) to extract zip file which is inside iso file using 7-zip-JBinding. for (ISimpleInArchiveItem item : simpleInArchive.getArchiveItems()) { ...
Anonymous Creator's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Powershell variable - verbose if it is receiving input

I have created a script that compress files older than N days using PowerShell. Like this: param ( $dirPath, ` [int] $daysAgo, ` $logOutput=$dirPath+"\old_reports.log", ` $...
markfree's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you securely move sensitive data from memory to a local disk?

Purpose of this question This question was created to share information, because the documentation for various modules is limited on this topic. This question might become a community wiki. Use Case ...
Life is complex's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create password protected zip/7zip file using apache.compress

In my Android project, I'm using below dependency in my build.gradle file to support extraction/compression of archive files implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.21' I want to know ...
Astha Garg's user avatar
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Command to extract password protected zip file using p7zip

I'm using an open source GitHub project AndroidP7Zip which is an Android wrapper over p7zip to support zip, 7zip and other archive formats for Android project. From android side implementation we pass ...
Astha Garg's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Write in-memory data to an encrypted ZIP or 7Z (without using an on-disk temp file)

I have 2 GB of data in memory (for example data = b'ab' * 1000000000) that I would like to write in a encrypted ZIP or 7Z file. How to do this without writing data to a temporary on-disk file? Is it ...
Basj's user avatar
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1 answer

Windows 10 batch unzip multiple files with filename the same as zip directory name

I have about 60 files to unzip as you can see below: I know the 7zip option, which can unzip all of them, but the problem is, that the file inside doesn't match the zip directory name, which would be ...
Geographos's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Extract files and rename specific file with specific extension using 7zip?

I would like to use 7ZIP to extract files with specific extensions only, and then rename one of them accordingly. Also, i must do this using a batch script (.bat) - No powershell or other methods. I ...
Raul Chiarella's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Compress Multiple Files\Folders and encrypt zip with password via Powershell

I'm Trying to make a quick script in powershell that will compress multiple folder (or files doesnt matter for now, in my example its folders) and add to each zip file a random password and export the ...
Vlad Belo's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I combine many files into single file without compression, keeping the same behavior across platforms?

I have a folder which includes a lot of subfolders and files. I want to combine all those files into one single large file. That file should be able to get expanded rendering back the original folder ...
littlecircle's user avatar
-3 votes
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Password protected Zip File only works with a specific library

I am working with a zip file that is password protected. I've got the password and am able to extract the contents only when I use a C++ zip library called minizip-ng, which appears to be the library ...
gurrenm3's user avatar
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Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check - 7 zip

I have download a .zip file from the internet and now when I try to extract it using 7 Zip, it return back saying that a certain file has Data Error Cyclic Redundancy. I also tried unzipping with the ...
Knight Photoshop's user avatar
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Bash script to automatically zip different subfolders and store the zipped files into a special folder with dated names

My directory structure is thus: \myproject\ src\ include\ zipdir\ .vscode\ auto7zip.bat There are specific files from within .vscode\ subfolder that I would like to ...
Tryer's user avatar
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Python code to create password protected zip in-memory for HttpResponse

I would like to generate a password-protected Zip file for my csv data in memory and return to webpage via Django HttpResponse. So far I can generate plain zip file to HttpResponse as follows: from ...
yhd.leung's user avatar
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How to Zip and UnZip Files on C# using Squid-Box.SevenZipSharp Execution has failed error

I have recently tried compressing and unzipping files using the NuGet "Squid-Box.SevenZipSharp" However I can't compress them, the error probably comes from the dll library. I have tried ...
Cicker's user avatar
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create self-extracting archive (sfx exe) in-memory with python

I need to create a self-extracting archive exe file in-memory and upload it to GCS. I know 7zip can do that but as far as I see, py7zr doesn't support SFX files. Does someone know how to do that?
Omer Daniel's user avatar
3 votes
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Extracting with subfolders but without parent folders

I have a zipfile structured like this: - root - subfolder - subsubfolder - file1 - file2 - file3 - file4 Using 7zip, I would like to extract the archive in such a way, that ...
TigersEye120's user avatar
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Opening a .7z file in R [duplicate]

can someone point me to a way of unzipping and opening .7z files through R? Here is an example of a file that I want to download: utils::download.file( url = "
Arthur Carvalho Brito's user avatar
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How to create 7z file with Password protection?

I am able to create a 7z file but want to create the file with a password, I tried with the set compression method but there is not an option to set the key, Please help me how I can create a password-...
Mitul Khamar's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Creating a logical folder structure when creating a 7-Zip archive via the command-line

I have been archiving files using the "DotNetZip" library using code like this: var files = new [] { new { file = new FileInfo(@"C:\_test\Data\Testing\data.txt"), source = &...
Enigmativity's user avatar
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Unable To Open/Decompress xml.gzip or zip.gzip Files

I've been given 2 files and told to extract/decompress them to get the contents inside. Example: long-file-name.xml.gzip & My workstation is Win10. I don't have access to ...
user avatar
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7zip compress same dated files into one

I have a directory with multiple .log files with different dates. For example, abc_10_28_2020.log, 2_abc_10_28_2020.log, abc_10_27_2020.log, etc. I have been trying to write a compress PowerShell ...
jni4's user avatar
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Create subfolders/zip every 20 files automatically

I have a huge folder that I would like to transform into several small ones of 20 files each and compressed. I would like to do this automatically with a batch file and 7zip. To achieve this I thought ...
A-d-r-i's user avatar
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How to unzip archive directly into target folder without creating a subfolder with the archive name (7zip, command line)?

I'm using the 7zip command line interface to extract archives, like so: 7za.exe x -y {path_to_zipfile} -o{path_to_target_folder} If my zipfile is named my_archive.7z, then I get the following ...
K.Mulier's user avatar
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Video compression for backup purposes

I'd like to know if there is a method/application to further compress MP4 files without loss as compressed files (zip-like) for archival purposes, even if I had to make a bigger file before ...
Yohann Hernandez's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Batch file using 7zip to extract nested zips and delete zips after successful extraction

I have a folder full of zip files. Those zip files sometimes contain zip files, that sometimes contain zip files within them, and so on. I am trying to write a batch file that I can paste into the top ...
phpwhatthertf's user avatar
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Zip files using bash script Windows

i have bash script where i am trying to zip files, on my windows i am using git bash to execute the script, following is my script #!/bin/bash cd src/lambda/api_gw_authorizer/ zip -r src/...
noobie-php's user avatar
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I have a large zip file of 13 GB i need to extract it in gdrive on google colab. I have tried unzip but it didn't work. i tried 7zip it giving error

7-Zip [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21 p7zip Version 16.02 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,2 CPUs Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz (406F0),ASM,AES-...
abhay katiyar's user avatar
3 votes
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How should one zip a large folder in Windows 10, upload it to GDrive, then unzip it?

I have a directory consisting of 22 sub-directories. Altogether, the directory is about 750GB in size and I need this data on GDrive so that I can work with it in Google Colab. Obviously uploading ...
michael_question_answerer's user avatar

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