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How to extract a mult-part zip file in python?

Suposse that I have some files that I downloaded from a server and they are zipped with 7zip in multiple parts, the format is something like this,, ..., ...
NewbieInFlask's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Write in-memory data to an encrypted ZIP or 7Z (without using an on-disk temp file)

I have 2 GB of data in memory (for example data = b'ab' * 1000000000) that I would like to write in a encrypted ZIP or 7Z file. How to do this without writing data to a temporary on-disk file? Is it ...
Basj's user avatar
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Python code to create password protected zip in-memory for HttpResponse

I would like to generate a password-protected Zip file for my csv data in memory and return to webpage via Django HttpResponse. So far I can generate plain zip file to HttpResponse as follows: from ...
yhd.leung's user avatar
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create self-extracting archive (sfx exe) in-memory with python

I need to create a self-extracting archive exe file in-memory and upload it to GCS. I know 7zip can do that but as far as I see, py7zr doesn't support SFX files. Does someone know how to do that?
Omer Daniel's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Extracting a multi-part zip with Python

I'm looking for a way to use python to extract multi-part zip files (eg, blah.z01, blah.z02, blah.z03 etc) on Windows without any prerequisite installs (like 7zip). This question has been ...
TheCatOfWar's user avatar
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1 answer

Using 7-zip cmd line from Python with subprocess

I am trying to run 7zip through a command line code from a Python script using subprocess library. The code below works fine when I use it directly in the command line. However, I am not capable to ...
Felipe Ferro's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Python: How to convert .7z to .rar or .zip?

How can I convert a .7z file to a .rar or a .zip file using Python?
das's user avatar
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3 votes
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Extracting 7z Console SFX (.exe) files using Python without using a subprocess?

I am using python 3.4 I have a crawler that is extracting 7z Console SFX files and I wish to extract them programmatically. Currently I have only been able to do so with a subprocess call: import ...
telemark's user avatar
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1 answer

python get list of folder names from zip folder

I have 80 zipped files. In each of them, there are about 20 folders (that I will call first level folders). What is the python code to get a list of all of all of the first level folder names from ...
user3495042's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

writing decompressed file to disk fetched from web server

I can get a file that has content-encoding as gzip. So does that mean that the server is storing it as compressed file or it is also true for files stored as compressed zip or 7z files too? and if ...
Ciasto piekarz's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Trouble extracting zip in python over ftp

I'm trying to unzip a file from an FTP site. I've tried it using 7z in a subprocess as well as using 7z in the older os.system format. I get closest however when I'm using the zipfile module in ...
Benjooster's user avatar
4 votes
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Create split archives (zip, rar, 7z)?

In short: I need to split a single (or more) file(s) into multiple max-sized archives using dummy-safe format (e.g. zip or rar anything that work will do!). I would love to know when a certain part ...
ben.pere's user avatar
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