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2pc - XA/Distributed Transaction Coordinator Implementation

I have watch several of article about XA/Distributed Transaction Coordinator, many of them just mentioned that a DBMS must explicitly support XA in order to run. They also talk about how a Distributed ...
mannok's user avatar
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2 votes
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XA support for Microservices

Scenario: I have multiple XA compliant databases fronted by different microservices which perform CRUD operations on them. I need to perform a 2 phase commit among these microservices. This means that ...
Pulak Gupta's user avatar
4 votes
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Outbox pattern - Message Relay without duplicates and unordering for any SQL and NoSQL DB

Dual write is a problem when we need to change data in 2 systems: a database (SQL or NoSQL) and Apache Kafka (for example). The database has to be updated and messages published reliably/atomically. ...
Eugene Khyst's user avatar
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How to handle error and revert transaction state if one of the API call fails out of sequence of APIs to be called in transaction

I have following type of 3rd party APIs to be called in sequence in c# code. try { transaction: { call API 1; call API 2 call API 3 } } Catch { transaction ...
P Deshpande's user avatar
7 votes
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2PC distributed transactions across many microservices?

I read some information about 2 Phase Commit/ XA distributed transactions and how JTA does support it. Seems to be that there is many resource managers - RM (eg. RDBMS or JMS), and one ...
Dmitriy Mishenyov's user avatar
25 votes
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Why is 2-phase commit not suitable for a microservices architecture?

I've read a post saying that: We can not implement traditional transaction system like 2 phase commit in micro-services in a distributed environment. I agree completely with this. But it would ...
Sam's user avatar
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How do 2PC prevent commit failure? [duplicate]

I am new to distributed transaction thing, studying how two-phase commit works across a distributed transaction in micro-services architecture. As per my understanding, in the last part of the phase ...
PIYUSH PASARI's user avatar
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MQ - How to guarantee message delivery in a non-transacted, lightweight environment?

How to guarantee message delivery in a non-transacted, lightweight environment? For example: Normal situation: Write to database, commit, send message to ZeroMQ|Redis|OtherMQ, consumer pulls the ...
ethanxyz_0's user avatar
9 votes
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How to do 2 phase commit between two micro-services(Spring-boot)?

I Have two mico-serives A and B where they connect to seperate database, From Mico-serives A i need to persist(save) objects of both A and B in same transtation how to achive this. I am using Spring ...
sathees's user avatar
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