Linked Questions

43 votes
6 answers

ToggleClass animate jQuery?

I have a section on my website that when a user clicks I would like it to expand, I'm using the jQuery's toggleClass for this... expandable: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('...
Liam's user avatar
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CSS Transitions in Tabs

Why does the transition I set up not animate? I would expect that since the class animate is being removed and then re-added to the element then it would re-animate once switching tabs. https://...
Justin Breen's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Prevent fouc in firefox and ie

I'm trying to prevent FOUC in FF & IE. Loading my css async, (understandably) causes it. Setting a function to hide and then show the body works on Chrome, but not IE/FF. I've tried every ...
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2 answers

CSS opacity ignores transition time

My solution: I changed the display styles to visibility styles because this solution suited my webpage best. Many other solutions can be found by Googling "display block overrides animation". The ...
DarkMatterMatt's user avatar
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1 answer

CSS3 opacity animation + display:none

I tried to implement a CSS3 animation fading out an element then applying a display:none to it, I found the idea on this SO question : Animation CSS3: display + opacity .step2 .user-input { ...
Romain Braun's user avatar
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3 answers

Animate opacity from 0 to 1 to 1 while moving on x axis

I am facing a problem with jQuery, and I need your help! I have an object there is moving from one point to another on the x-axis. What I really want to achieve, is a animation of this objects ...
thar's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I make my CSS text captions fade in and fade out?

I have been trying to make an image map with HTML and CSS where the user rolls over a certain part of an image and a text caption pops up. I think i am nearly there but i would like the text caption ...
noon303's user avatar
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3 answers

Why this animate display none to block not working?

Why this animate display none to block not working ? First code look like this, and it's work good $(".box_outer").stop().animate({top: '25px' , opacity: 1}, 100); When i add display: none; to ...
nomwery geqoilu's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Button behind text only on mobile

I am trying to do a very simple quiz like this one: I tried to make it more responsive and added this line: <meta name="viewport" content="width=...
Rodrick's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make a image appear and disappear through simple animation?

How to make a image disappear and then make it appear through animation?I also want to run this animation only once. I tried doing it with key frames by using opacity to make is appear but if I want ...
Navdeep Kaur's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

"content" div height adapted to content.

I have this tabs and I would like that the 'content' div height get adapted to the height of the content. I have tried several things but some of them doesn't work, others work but the tabs get like ...
Mike's user avatar
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3 answers

I can't seem to disable the scroll bar

I am trying to disable the scroll bar on page1 but not page2. I have tried many things such as overflow: hidden; or adjusting the height but I have had no luck. Here is the JSFiddle:
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