Being pretty new to C++, I don't quite understand some instructions I encounter such as:

#ifndef BOT_H_
#define BOT_H_

#include "State.h"

    This struct represents your bot in the game of Ants
struct Bot
    State state;


    void playGame();    //plays a single game of Ants

    void makeMoves();   //makes moves for a single turn
    void endTurn();     //indicates to the engine that it has made its moves

#endif //BOT_H_

What I don't understand is the "#ifndef BOT_H_" and the "#define -- #endif"

From what I gather, it defines a constant BOT_H_ if it's not already defined when the precompiler looks at it. I don't actually get how the struct inside it is a constant and how it is going to let me access the functions inside it.

I also don't see why we're doing it this way? I used C++ a while back and I wasn't using .h files, so it might be something easy I'm missing.

5 Answers 5


This is known as an include guard, to prevent the contents of a header file from being #included more than once.

That is, it prevents the contents of the header file from being copied into the file that #includes it when it has already #included it before.

The #define isn't defining a constant for the struct, but it's simply defining a constant with no value. If that constant was previously defined, the struct will not be redeclared.

  • @SethCarnegie: Added a clarification.
    – AbdullahC
    Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 1:43

It's called "include guard". It protects you from redefinitions occuring when a header is included more than once. There's also non-standard #pragma once that does the same thing, but might not be supported everywhere.


It does not define a constant whose value is the struct. It defines a constant with an empty value.

It's there so that the content of the header is not included twice. Basically it says something like:

if (!bot_h_included)
    bot_h_included = true;

    // code from the header
  • @downvoter, care to comment what you think is wring with this answer?
    – svick
    Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 1:44

this is called a header guard it stops the compiler compiling or including the code more than once it is similar to pragma once


Just a side note, I don't recommend using #pragma once I see it a lot in a MVC compatible compilers but just a couple of weeks ago I was working with HP UX and the HP-CC does not support #pragma once, I strongly recommend using #ifndef/#define combinations.

  • I recommend using both, first the pragma, then the guard. Some compilers don't optimize include guards the way they do #pragma once and open the header multiple times.
    – Xeo
    Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 2:17
  • @Xeo: Which? There aren't that many compilers that support #pragma once (GCC and MSVC, iirc); and those properly optimize header guards.
    – MSalters
    Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 7:56

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