I recently upgraded Spring Boot from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 and one of my aspects stopped working.
My custom annotation named @OnError(clazz =...)
is added on method level and has this aspect pointcut targeting it:
@Around("execution(* de.hidden.service.api.controller..*.*(..)) && @annotation(de.hidden.service.api.util.aspects.errorshandling.OnError)")
I am also using the @Timed
annotation from Micrometer related to TimedAspect
. I use this annotation on class level.
With Spring Boot 3.3.0, both aspects were working fine. Since 3.4.0, TimedAspect
stopped working when using the aspect targeting my @OnError
- I already updated Micrometer to the latest version
. - I tried to give my aspect an
(very high or very low, has no effect). - When I try to debug
, the pointcut seems not to match - it does not stop in the method's first line.
It would be great if someone gives a clue.