I recently upgraded Spring Boot from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 and one of my aspects stopped working.

My custom annotation named @OnError(clazz =...) is added on method level and has this aspect pointcut targeting it:

@Around("execution(* de.hidden.service.api.controller..*.*(..)) && @annotation(de.hidden.service.api.util.aspects.errorshandling.OnError)")

I am also using the @Timed annotation from Micrometer related to TimedAspect. I use this annotation on class level.

With Spring Boot 3.3.0, both aspects were working fine. Since 3.4.0, TimedAspect stopped working when using the aspect targeting my @OnError.

  • I already updated Micrometer to the latest version 1.4.2.
  • I tried to give my aspect an @Order (very high or very low, has no effect).
  • When I try to debug TimedAspect, the pointcut seems not to match - it does not stop in the method's first line.

It would be great if someone gives a clue.

  • If you are very lucky, someone else happens to have exactly the same problem as you. But actually, you are much more likely to get any helpful answers if you provide an MCVE, ideally on GitHub. Reproducibility is key to getting quality answers quickly here.
    – kriegaex
    Commented 3 hours ago


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