I am trying to convert calendar dates (jan-jan) into dates based on the (april-april) calendar.

Basically what I am trying to do is this:

  • Start with a date in this format full_date = 2020-12-12
  • Identify the week number relative to the january calendar
  • Identify the year, month, week number (i.e. relative to the april-april calendar)
  • Only select rows where column 1 is a number or decimal number

Normally I work with Python and this would not be too much of a problem. But I am trying to do this with SQL.

I tried to piece together this code:

EXTRACT(WEEK FROM full_date) AS jan_calendar_week,

        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM full_date) <= 3 THEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM full_date) + 9
        ELSE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM full_date) - 3
    END AS april_calendar_month,

        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM full_date) <= 3 
        THEN (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM full_date) - 1) || '-' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM full_date)
        ELSE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM full_date) || '-' || (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM full_date) + 1)
    END AS april_calendar_year,

        WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM full_date) <= 3 
        THEN CEIL((full_date - DATE(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM full_date) - 1 || '-04-01')) / 7.0)
        ELSE CEIL((full_date - DATE(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM full_date) || '-04-01')) / 7.0)
    END AS april_calendar_week_number

WHERE regexp_like(col1, '^[0-9]+$|^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$');

Is this the correct logic? Are there easier ways to do this using pre-defined functions?

    full_date DATE,
    col1 VARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO t (full_date, col1) VALUES
    ('2023-03-31', '100.50'), 
    ('2023-04-01', '200.75'),  
    ('2023-01-15', '300.25'),  
    ('2023-07-01', '400.00'),  
    ('2023-05-01', 'ABC'),     
    ('2023-06-01', '500'); 
  • Show us some sample table data and also its expected result, i.e. provide a complete minimal reproducible example.
    – jarlh
    Commented Dec 10 at 13:25
  • full_date is a DATE variable data type
    – nov62024
    Commented Dec 10 at 13:31
  • there is now a minimal reproducible example
    – nov62024
    Commented Dec 10 at 13:33
  • 1
    What is your desired result?
    – Andrew
    Commented Dec 10 at 14:15
  • You forgot the expected result part of the minimal reproducible example. It might be obvious to you, but I don't know what the april-april calendar dates are.
    – jarlh
    Commented Dec 10 at 19:11


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