I am coding in Go and using Fyne to display a window. I have tasks that log info to this window. When I make the tasks log strings to the window at high volume the window is no longer readable and gets scaled weird. I also get the error:
UNSUPPORTED (log once): POSSIBLE ISSUE: unit 0 GLD_TEXTURE_INDEX_2D is unloadable and bound to sampler type (Float) - using zero texture because texture unloadable
I am on a MacBook Air. However I want to have a window that supports any computer, thats why I picked Fyne. How can I simply have a window with a scrollview that I can log short strings to? I added images of the broken UI and how it looks with a small amount of logs.
func appendLog(message string) {
// I want the new text to appear at the top
// Window is of type: *widget.Label
process.Window.SetText(message + "\n" + Window.Text)
func openNewDialog(a fyne.App, taskgroup string) {
w := a.NewWindow("Hi")
// Set the window size
w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(400, 300))
// Create label and buttons
hello := widget.NewLabel("Hello User!")
stopButton := widget.NewButtonWithIcon("Stop tasks", theme.CancelIcon(), func() {
stopButton.Importance = widget.HighImportance
// Create a checkout label
checkoutCount := widget.NewLabel("0 checkouts")
checkoutCount.TextStyle = fyne.TextStyle{Bold: true}
checkoutCount.Alignment = fyne.TextAlignCenter
// Arrange content in a vertical box layout
content := container.NewVBox(
container.NewHBox(stopButton, checkoutCount),
// Wrap the content in a scroll view
scrollableContent := container.NewVScroll(content)
w.SetCloseIntercept(func() {
// Set the scrollable content as the window's content and show the window
Window = hello