I have this kind of info app that is supposed to show some info content. It's written in QT / QML. Qt version is 5.12.
It runs on Raspberry Pi 4 - Lite image, no X, OpenGLES. Now what if I wanted to add another monitor that would display the same content. Just imagine the screen faces a different direction so that more people can see it.
I could probably try messing around with some HDMI splitters, but since RPi4 has two HDMI outputs, the idea is to use the other one.
What would be the easiest solution? I doubt I can just duplicate the screen without X, right? So I would probably need to implement it in the QT itself. In theory, I should be able to create more instances of the Window and set a different screen
argument, but that sounds rather complicated as I would have to synchronize between all the instances. Can I somehow just display the same window twice?
Thanks for any suggestions.