I am adding support to my website for printing the current page. My website is built with React Js. I am using 'react-to-print', a NPM module, to print the current page. I am following instructions from this page. I am observing an intermittent issue where the text is not printed. Looks like this:

Browser Print Window when using react-to-print

Here is my invocation of the React-to-print UI component:

  documentTitle={title || ''}
  trigger={() => (
    <div className="pdf-button">
      <div className="pdf-trigger">
        <PictureAsPdfOutlined />
        <div className="text">PDF Download</div>

I have tried removing the 'removeAfterPrint' property and many various invocations with no luck. Is there some issue with this library preventing the correct rendering of React UI components?

  • Hello. Are you still facing this issue? Commented Jun 11, 2023 at 2:28
  • 1
    @MatthewHerbst no, actually you helped me resolve the issue in the GitHub board. I'll post an answer.
    – P. Avery
    Commented Jun 17, 2023 at 14:33

1 Answer 1


Solved this issue by removing duplicate @font-face definitions for a custom font used within my application. Not sure "what" exactly was breaking; I did observe, however, that this issue was also occurring when I called window.print() from the console. The issue was not related to the react-to-print library.

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