So I have set up my Fuse.js as such:

  const fuse = useMemo(() => {
    return new Fuse<Fees>(data, {
      includeMatches: true,
      keys: [{ name: "name" }],
      ignoreLocation: true,
      useExtendedSearch: true,
      threshold: isStrictSearch ? 0 : 0.6,
  }, [data, isStrictSearch]);

so basically isStrictSearch is a boolean state, which is toggled on and off. When it's toggled on (true), then I set the threshold of Fuse.js to 0. However this does not work as perfectly as I want it to be. So for example I have these cases:


const data = [
        "name": "Surimi Maki Sticks - 1kg",
        "name": "No Worries Wild Berry Can",

Case 1

Search query: Maki Sticks 1kg.
Result: Surimi Maki Sticks - 1kg.

This shouldn't happen because it should take - into account.

Case 2

Search query: No Worries Can.
Result: No Worries Wild Berry Can.

This also shouldn't happen because it should take Wild Berry into account.

I'm not sure how to achieve this, I have tried other combinations for the Fuse.js options, but still not able to achieve the result I want.

  • I know you can set the threshold to a negative number, which means that it would only give exact matches, but I think it's too strict, in a way where it has to have the whole string be typed/queried then it gives the result.
    – Owenn
    Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 3:13

1 Answer 1


I have decided to use another logic than using Fuse.js to handle this issue:

if (isStrictSearch) {
    const results = data.filter(function (datum) {
        return datum.name.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase());
    return results;
} else {
    const results = fuse.search(query);
    return results.map((i) => i.item);

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