First, a really dumb question, I was just wondering what the waiting 'parking' means ? Is the thread waiting to be parked or is it just been parked and therefore is in wait state ? And when that parking happen, how much cpu/memory resources are taken ? What's the purpose of parking a thread ?
Second, by looking at park method in java thread API
Disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes unless the permit is available.
If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call returns immediately; otherwise the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of three things happens.....
English is not my primary language, so I have some difficulties understanding that, I intended 'permit' as kind of 'permission to park the thread', so the questions that follow:
- what's the meaning of that, what's 'permit', and who and how is checking those permit ?
- What does that mean: 'if permit is available then it is consumed', is it getting 'parked' ?
- following, if second point is true, so what's the difference between 'parking' and 'lies dormant' ? If I have permit I can park it forever and if not, I can make it 'dormant' ?