I'm trying to use the snackbar on Android Compose. However, as I'm trying to display 2 messages in a row on the snackbar, I can only see the first message, does anybody know what can cause this?

I'm putting the code involved below:

Component code related to Snackbar:

    The state is hoisted. It contains the snackbar message that is not null if
    there is something to display

state.snackbarMessage?.let { resourceId ->
    val message = stringResource(resourceId)
            message = message,
            type = when {
                state.isFailure -> SnackbarType.ERROR
                else -> SnackbarType.VALIDATION

/* Custom Component using Scaffold to host snackbar events */

    modifier = modifier,
    snackbarState = viewModel.snackbarState,
    onShowSnackbar = { viewModel.onSnackbarDisplayed() }
) { innerPadding ->
    // UI Content

Frame Component:

fun Frame(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    header: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    snackbarState: StateFlow<MajorSnackbarData?>? = null,
    onShowSnackbar: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    content: @Composable (PaddingValues) -> Unit
) {
    val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()

    val showSnackbar: (MajorSnackbarData) -> Unit = {
        coroutineScope.launch {

                message = it.message,
                actionLabel = it.type.name,

    snackbarState?.collectAsState()?.value.also { data ->
        if (data != null) {

        modifier = modifier,
        topBar = header,
        scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
        snackbarHost = {
            SnackbarHost(it) { data ->
        content = content,

ViewModel base that hosts Snackbar:

open class BaseViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val _snackbarState = MutableStateFlow<MajorSnackbarData?>(null)
    val snackbarState: StateFlow<MajorSnackbarData?> = _snackbarState

    protected fun showSnackBar(
        message: String,
        type: SnackbarType = SnackbarType.ERROR
    ) {
        _snackbarState.value = MajorSnackbarData(message, type)

    open fun onSnackbarDisplayed() {
        _snackbarState.value = null


Event handling in a viewmodel:

fun handleEvent(event: Event) {
    when (event) {
        // ...
        is Event.SnackbarMessage -> displayError(event)

private fun displayError(event: Event.SnackbarMessage) {
    showSnackBar(event.message, event.type)
  • What is state.snackbarMessage? What updates its value? ViewModel? Commented Dec 30, 2022 at 16:21
  • It is a resourceId for the string resource to display, it is updated from the viewmodel via the state
    – A.Danibo
    Commented Dec 31, 2022 at 17:24

1 Answer 1


There is a very simple way of handling snackbars that I always use in my projects. You can directly create a SnackbarHostState in the ViewModel itself and show snackbars directly from the ViewModel.

// ViewModel
val snackbarHostState = SnackbarHostState()

fun doSomething() {
    // If you need to show a snackbar here, directly call the showSnackbar function
        message = // Your message,
        actionLabel = // Your action label,

// In your composable
val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState(snackbarHostState = viewModel.snackbarHostState)

    modifier = modifier,
    topBar = header,
    scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
    snackbarHost = {
        SnackbarHost(it) { data ->
    content = content,

This will give you a lot more control over the snackbars. If you need to display two snackbars one after the other, just place the two calls together in the viewModel.

    message = message1,
    actionLabel = actionLabel1,
    message = message2,
    actionLabel = actionLabel2,

Note that because showSnackbar is a suspend function which suspends till the snackbar is visible, the second snackbar will appear only after the first one has gone.


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