I add behavior extension in web.config:

            <add name="WebAppBeaviourElement" type="WebApp.Extensions.CustomBehaviorExtensionElement, WebApp.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

            <behavior name="WebAppBeaviour">
                <WebAppBeaviourElement />

But in Visual Studio 2010 is bug - WebAppBehaviourElement is not visible by visual studio and get error:/

So I think that it is possible to add this extension to endpointBehaviours in code ? And when in code I should do it?

  • What error did you get? Why do you think it is a bug? Extensions are only for configuration file. If you want to add behavior in code you will do it directly on endpoint. Commented Sep 17, 2011 at 19:49
  • I dont't remember it , but error said something like WebAppBeaviourElement can not be set as element of behaviour
    – netmajor
    Commented Sep 17, 2011 at 20:27

2 Answers 2


You can extend the host factory

public class ExtendedHostFactory : WebServiceHostFactory

Then, add behavior to the host

protected override ServiceHost CreateServiceHost(System.Type serviceType, System.Uri[] baseAddresses)
    ServiceHost host = base.CreateServiceHost(serviceType, baseAddresses) as WebServiceHost;
    host.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ValidateApiKey()); // ValidateApiKey is an IServiceBehavior

You can add the host in config. If you choose code for that too, add it in global.asax as below

ExtendedHostFactory factory = new ExtendedHostFactory();
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute(@"myservice/path", factory, typeof(MyService)));
  • you forgot to add return section into overrided method, but it was obviously) helped me a lot, thanks!
    – krabcore
    Commented Sep 23, 2021 at 14:16

Visual Studio 2010 validate configuration file against XSD schemas. One is defined for here system.serviceModel There is no yours custom behavior, but programms work.


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