[git newbie here]
Say I'm working on a new file and I'm writing the following story:
Version1: A guy walks into a bar
[here I tell my story]
At this point I like what I wrote but I wish to make some changes, so I stash my changes like this:
$git stash save -u 'version1: a guy walks'
I get the following message:
Saved working directory and index state On dev_story: version1: a guy walks
Next, I make a change:
Version2: A nice dude walks into a bar
[here I tell a slighly different story]
and stash it again:
$git stash save -u 'version2: a dude walks'
received message:
Saved working directory and index state On dev_story: version2: a dude walks
Checking my stash list I see:
$ git stash list
stash@{0}: On dev_story: version2: a dude walks
stash@{1}: On dev_story: version1: a guy walks
I wish to show my work to a friend and debate version1 vs version2.
when I try to apply stash@{0} it doesn't show 'a guy walks...' what I have tried:
$ git stash show stash@{0} //new line no error
$ git stash apply stash@{0}
test/story.txt already exists, no checkout
error: could not restore untracked files from stash
those changes?