I develop with laravel9 and vue3.

My problem is simple, But path setting is not go well.

When I access url localhost:8080/tasks

This url return 404 not found and I get the following type error

GET http://localhost:8000/tasks 404 (Not Found)

I didn't know the reason , but When I rewrite path: /tasks to path /, localhost:8080 return Component that I want to need.

I have following files.


import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";
import TaskListComponent from "./components/TaskListComponent.vue";

const router = createRouter({
    history: createWebHistory(),
    routes: [

            path: '/tasks',
            name: 'tasks.list',
            component: TaskListComponent

export default router


<script setup>
import HeaderComponent from "./components/HeaderComponent.vue";

    <HeaderComponent />


import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import router from "./router.js"

const app = createApp(App);


  • Please focus on how to properly highlight your code rather than writing spam in your message.
    – kissu
    Commented Oct 30, 2022 at 9:42
  • I don't have experience with Laravel but this kind of problem can usually be solved by routing all the paths in Laravel to index.html and letting Vue do the remaining job
    – Duannx
    Commented Oct 31, 2022 at 1:57
  • 1
    I found the solution. add the code below in web.php Route::get('{any?}', function () { return view('welcome'); })->where('any', '.*'); Commented Nov 2, 2022 at 5:31

2 Answers 2


The following in web.php fixed the issue

Route::get('{any?}', function () {
    return view('welcome');
})->where('any', '.*');

I created a project using Vue's CLI, then proceeded to check all the relevant parts.

I took your code and applied the various changes:

  • my entry point is main.js, rather than bootstrap.js but no changes code-wise
  • in App.vue, I don't have any HeaderComponent but it's should not be an issue anyway
  • in router/index.js, I only changed the following for the component since it's better to use an alias than a relative path anyway
import TaskListComponent from "@/components/TaskListComponent.vue"

Launching the server with

pnpm dev

gives me some port, once followed to the /tasks path, I can see the component as expected.

enter image description here

The route is properly defined too

enter image description here

Here is my project directory

enter image description here

And I don't have any errors in the console.

Here is public github repo: https://github.com/kissu/so-v3-working-router

  • Thank you so much! but actually, I tried this code in create vue and vue CLI and did well. I 'm trying with laravel9 and vue3. perhaps, This may happen the problem. stackoverflow.com/questions/71856260/vue-3-router-with-laravel. this post is the same problem as mine. Thank you for going out of your way to implement vue development with my code. Commented Oct 30, 2022 at 11:57
  • @sorasakamoto oh, I guess you're using Vue inside of Laravel here. I don't know how to debug that one unfortunately since I don't have any experience with Laravel, sorry.
    – kissu
    Commented Oct 30, 2022 at 12:00

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