I was wondering how to accomplish the menu in the image below? Is it using a LinearLayout or is it using RadioButtons? Which would be the best solution? Could you also provide an example?


2 Answers 2


My suggestion for this type of iamge is to use LinearLayout and used 2 types of images for focus/selected tab. You have to set background color in Layout for same look and feel that you want.

  • Actually I think it's a radio button group with custom drawables :)
    – Hades
    Commented Sep 14, 2011 at 11:12
  • If we use radio button then you will not get view that you want.
    – Roll no1
    Commented Sep 14, 2011 at 14:13

It's a LinearLayout(orientation: horizontal) with 6 Button s with custom nine patch backgrounds.

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