I am trying to get a list of all items in a collection with graphql, i am new to this and right now trying multiple things but nothing is working, below is what makes sense to me but as i said doesnt work to fetch all results in the collection, the mongo collection is called userInterest

    query {
    userInterest {
  • That is probably not enough information to help you. How is this query resolved on the server?
    – puelo
    Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 20:51
  • im not sure, how do i find that ? Im using expressJS
    – Kravitz
    Commented Oct 4, 2022 at 10:49
  • Maybe check the documentation here: graphql.org/graphql-js/running-an-express-graphql-server . I am not very familiar with express-graphql, but there has to be a method somewhere which resolves the query (i.e. loads the necessary data from the database)
    – puelo
    Commented Oct 4, 2022 at 12:46


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