I have a data frame of patent numbers and the inventors who invented those patents. For example:
patent_number | inventor_id |
1 | A |
1 | B |
2 | B |
2 | C |
3 | A |
3 | B |
I define a team as a group of inventors who produce a patent together. E.g. the team (A,B) produced patent 1, (B,C) patent 2 and again (A,B) produced patent 3. I want to count the number of unique teams. In this case the answer is 2.
What is the fastest way of counting the number of unique teams using python?
I have written this code, but it is very slow when I run it on my entire data set which includes over 6 million patent numbers and 3.5 million unique inventor ids.
teams = []
for pat_id, pat_df in inventor_data.groupby("patent_number"):
if list(pat_df["inventor_id"]) not in teams:
print("Number of teams ", len(teams))
I am looking for speed improvements. If you can help me with understand the reasons why they are faster I am always keen to learn about this.
Thank you!