How do I collect value in a listbox (sg.Listbox)? That is, when I select that line of the listbox (listbox 2, for example) with what parameters do I make the conditional?

For example:

[sg.Listbox(values=('Listbox 1', 'Listbox 2', 'Listbox 3','Listbox 4', 'Listbox 5'), key="_LISTBOX_"], [sg.Button('Option')]]

while True:             # Event Loop
    event, values = window.read()
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
if event == 'Option':
    print(values) #here I see the values but I have no idea what to do. !!!! ????

    if values["_LISTBOX_"??????]: #??????????

1 Answer 1


To get information of selected items in sg.Listbox,

  • Get values of selected items from values['-LISTBOX-']
  • Get indexes of selected items from method get_indexes of sg.Listbox.
import PySimpleGUI as sg

value_list = [f'Listbox {i}' for i in range(1, 6)]
layout = [
    [sg.Listbox(value_list, size=(30, 5), font=("Courier New", 16), enable_events=True, key="-LISTBOX-")],
    [sg.StatusBar("", size=(30, 1), key='-STATUS-')],

window = sg.Window('Title', layout, finalize=True)
listbox, status = window['-LISTBOX-'], window['-STATUS-']

while True:

    event, values = window.read()

    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
    elif event == '-LISTBOX-':
        selection = values[event]
        if selection:
            item = selection[0]
            index = listbox.get_indexes()[0]
            status.update(f'Line {index+1}, "{item}" selected')

  • 1
    Excuse me, thanks again, now one more step, ;-) I need to fix an image inside a frame when activating a list for example (if index == 0 :) and so when I activate any list I will insert a different image in that frame
    – Aikrana
    Commented Oct 2, 2021 at 13:43
  • 2
    Add more code if index == 0: window['-IMAGE-'].update(filename=image_files[0]) or window['-IMAGE-'].update(filename=image_files[index]) in block of elif event == '-LISTBOX-', window['-IMAGE-'] is the sg.Image element with option key='-IMAGE-' in your layout.
    – Jason Yang
    Commented Oct 2, 2021 at 14:08
  • Thank you very much again, it has been a great help to me
    – Aikrana
    Commented Oct 9, 2021 at 19:04

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