I'm new to mobile development and I wanted to ask about a way to switch pages without the navigation swipe effect, just press the button and the required page will appear instead of the old one. I thought about the TabbedPage but it won't work with my UI. Thanks

2 Answers 2


when you push the screen, just write to animate argument false

await Navigation.PushAsync (newPage, false);

We can use interactivePopGestureRecognizer to disable navigation swipe effect .

Just create a renderer for Page , and do it in ViewWillLayoutSubviews method .

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(Page), typeof(MyPageRenderer))]
namespace FormsApp.iOS
    class MyPageRenderer : PageRenderer
        public override void ViewWillLayoutSubviews()

            if (NavigationController != null)
                NavigationController.InteractivePopGestureRecognizer.Enabled = false;

Refer to Disable swipe back gesture in Swift.

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