I'm currently making some tests using AWS step functions, despite its ease of use I am not able to correctly manage the input of the map state:

My test state machine

Here is the input provided:

"keep": "elementToKeep",
  "my_array": [

I' like to make the map state iterate over my_array such that the inner state recives as input

  • { "keep": "elementToKeep", "element": "element0" } at the 1st iteration
  • { "keep": "elementToKeep", "element": "element1" } at the 2nd iteration
  • and so on ...

Right now I am only able to provide "element0" (at the 1st interaction) as input, not even being able to correctly format it with JSONSyntax.

Below I paste the State Machine JSON structure. I am more familiar with the workflow view, but any help is highly appreciated.

  "StartAt": "Map",
  "States": {
    "Map": {
      "Type": "Map",
      "End": true,
      "Iterator": {
        "StartAt": "Pass",
        "States": {
          "Pass": {
            "Type": "Pass",
            "End": true
      "ItemsPath": "$.my_array"

2 Answers 2


I wasn't able to find what "Transform array items" field is (maybe the name changed), so I ended up on another question with a more detailed answer. I paste it here in case it is useful for others: Pass multiple inputs into Map State in AWS Step Function

"ItemsPath": "$.my_array",
"Parameters": {
  "element.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value",
  "keep.$": "$.keep"

After a few hours of digging I found the solution:
For some reason the item of the array provided as input to the inner function (here element0, element1, etc...) is mapped as $$.Map.Item.Value (for some reasons).
So if it's necessary to provide other parameters beside the array element, in the "Transform array items" field is sufficient to place:

  "element.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value",
  "keep.$": "$.keep"

Which produced the input desired as specified in the question, thus I'll mark the question as closed.

In this link it's possible to find the source for this answer.

  • sorry can you paste what your full state machine json looked like afterwards?
    – james pow
    Commented Feb 12 at 6:08

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