I am using Google Colabs to convert Yolov4 darknet weights to tflite version. I used this blog to train my own yolo detector and I got to acceptable accuracy for my detections. Then I tried every repository on github 1,2,3 to covert my custom yolov4 weights to tflite version and I failed in each time. I faced the problem (can not reshape array) here and I solved it by modifying file.names and adjusting the change in the config file. In the end when I executed this code:
!python convert_tflite.py --weights ./data/yolov4.weights --output ./data/yolov4.tflite

I faced this error:

ValueError: Input 0 of node model_1/batch_normalization/AssignNewValue was passed float from model_1/batch_normalization/FusedBatchNormV3/ReadVariableOp/resource:0 incompatible with expected resource.

This problem was discussed here but I couldn't find any solution I am using google colab which make it easier with using the preinstalled libraries but maybe there could be some incomparability in libraries used in conversion ?
Any help would be appreciated..



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