I'm scheduling an exam for a course (using R).

I have 36 students, which all need to be fitted with time-slots to 8 teachers on the exam day (1:1 exams).

Each student or teacher can obviously only be in one place at a time.

How do I run an optimisation to find a solution using the least amount of time slots?

# Teachers
examiners <- c(seq(from=1, to=8, by= 1))

students <- c(seq(from=1, to=36))

Some packages of interest: ompr, ROI?

Many thanks!

  • If each teacher supervises one student so that there can be 8 students supervised at any one time then clearly we have ceiling(36/8) time slots so no optimization routines are needed. Commented Jan 8, 2021 at 14:58
  • If I understand the problem correctly you could do: x <- matrix(rep(1:36, 8), ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE) and then rename the columns colnames(x) <- paste("Teacher", LETTERS[1:8], sep = "_") and rows rownames(x) <- paste("Session", 1:36, sep = "_")
    – Roccer
    Commented Jan 8, 2021 at 15:06


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