I am trying to calculate time between two peaks. Let suppose the first peak appear at 31 seconds
and 56 milliseconds
. The second peak appears at 32 second
and 37 milliseconds
. I can simply subtract 32.37-31.56
, which is around 0.8
. What if the first peak appears at 59.32
seconds, and a second peak at 00.32
of the next minute. How can I subtract this?
So I have to incorporate minutes. I used datetime.now().strftime("%M:%S.%f")
to get minutes, seconds and milliseconds. The output is a string such as '49:31.566308'
. How I can subtract it from '49:32.069660'
I tried to subtract two date-time like the following but failed
I got this error
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.time' and 'datetime.time'
should meet your needs.