I'm starting with react and I have an array of objects called arrayToFilter I want to apply multiple filters to, ideally when a user changes the filter select options all filters should be applied to the array and the results returned into a filteredResults array to show, I already have each filter function and their constants but I don't know how to apply all the filters one after another...
Here is my code:
const [ arrayToFilter, setArrayToFilter ] = useState([ /*array of objects to apply filters to*/ ]);
const [ filteredResults, setFilteredResults] = useState([ /*array of filtered objects*/ ]);
const [ categoryOptions, setCategoryOptions ] = useState([ 1,2,3 ]);
const [ selectedCategoryOptions, setSelectedCategoryOptions ] = useState([ ]);
const [ searchName, setSearchName ] = useState('');
const [ hideVenuesWithoutDiscounts, setHideVenuesWithoutDiscounts ] = useState(true);
const filterHideVenuesWithoutDiscounts = () =>
return arrayToFilter.filter(item => item.discounts.length > 0);
return arrayToFilter;
const filterSelectedCategoryOptions = () =>
return arrayToFilter.filter(item => item.category_id.includes(selectedCategoryOptions));
const filtersearchName = () =>
return arrayToFilter.filter(item => item.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) != -1);
useEffect(() =>
//Filter options updated so apply all filters here
[searchName, hideVenuesWithoutDiscounts, selectedCategoryOptions]);
Notice useEffect, afaik this is like watch property in vue, I'd like to fire all the filters when a filter input changes