I've a folder structure like:
| | |
a--b--c d--e--f g--h--i
| | | | | | | | |
I've default files (index.html) in most folders, but for the folders without default files, I used "Options -Indexes" in the home .htaccess to generate a 403 error. In the snippets folder, I use custom directory listing.
<IfModule mod_autoindex.c>
Options +Indexes
IndexOptions IgnoreCase VersionSort SuppressHTMLPreamble
ReadmeName ../index_end.html
HeaderName ../index_begin.html
Inside the snippets folder Options +Indexes rules. However, I want to prevent directory listing in folder a,b,c. Is there a solution which doesn't needs an htaccess file for every folder? I only have access to htaccess