The table structure and data is present at https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/5rKXiavsoMeQazSHwxaTVK/0

i am trying to get the percentage of all previous date range.


where current capacity is the max date capacity and the percentage of each date in rows.

The final out like https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/wTFejVRzQBTXZkfWjBuqq8/0

select circle_name,Subscriber as current_capacity,
Subscriber/Subs_Capacity * 100 as percentage,
DATE_FORMAT(date,'%y-%m-%d') as date
from circle 
where date BETWEEN date_add('2020-03-18',interval -3 day) 
and '2020-03-18'

Please help here in pivot in mysql.

1 Answer 1


Here is one approach that uses conditional aggregation. Instead of assigning actual dates to column names (which would require dynamic SQL), this works by setting a variable that represents the date from which you want the computation to start, and then generates columns named d_2 (for day - 2), d_1 and d_0.

set @mydate = '2020-03-18';
    max(case when date = @mydate then subscriber end) current_capacity,
    100 * sum(case when date = @mydate - interval 2 day then subscriber end)
        / sum(case when date = @mydate - interval 2 day then subs_capacity end) d_2,
    100 * sum(case when date = @mydate - interval 1 day then subscriber end)
        / sum(case when date = @mydate - interval 1 day then subs_capacity end) d_1,
    100 * sum(case when date = @mydate                  then subscriber end)
        / sum(case when date = @mydate                  then subs_capacity end) d_0
from circle
group by circle_name;

In your db fiddle, the query yields:

| circle_name | current_capacity | d_2     | d_1     | d_0     |
| ----------- | ---------------- | ------- | ------- | ------- |
| AP          | 758415           | 90.8422 | 91.1373 | 91.3753 |
| AS          | 764976           | 83.461  | 83.2508 | 82.7001 |
| BH          | 807447           | 84.5168 | 86.2083 | 85.8986 |
| CH          | 785384           | 87.4384 | 87.2934 | 87.2649 |
| DL          | 859161           | 85.9683 | 85.5766 | 85.9161 |
| GJ          | 882817           | 85.6419 | 85.7533 | 86.1285 |
| HP          | 203300           | 80.9292 | 80.9608 | 81.32   |
| HR          | 255511           | 84.9163 | 85.1213 | 85.1703 |
| JK          | 592271           | 84.244  | 84.2937 | 84.6101 |
| KK          | 729628           | 88.0607 | 88.1499 | 87.907  |
| KL          | 793872           | 80.0359 | 79.5544 | 79.3872 |
| KO          | 847638           | 84.6341 | 84.6501 | 84.7638 |
| MB          | 687501           | 87.8208 | 85.9449 | 85.9376 |
| MH          | 886554           | 95.8487 | 95.6997 | 88.6554 |
| MP          | 821474           | 83.1335 | 83.3047 | 83.8239 |
| NE          | 824807           | 87.5708 | 87.5969 | 86.8218 |
| OR          | 710822           | 84.5128 | 85.2319 | 83.6261 |
| PB          | 194300           | 88.798  | 96.5235 | 97.15   |
| RJ          | 840310           | 82.438  | 83.7309 | 84.031  |
| TN          | 725307           | 90.8855 | 90.7334 | 90.6634 |
| UE          | 903366           | 89.8577 | 90.0483 | 90.3366 |
| UW          | 729154           | 98.9529 | 87.1339 | 87.8499 |
| WB          | 0                | 0       | 0       | 0       |

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