I am doing this in R I have 2 dataframes A & B. A has 9 columns, while B has 8 columns which are in common. A consist of unique ID 1-500, while B consist of unique ID 501-1100.

I need to combine both the tables.

Please help me with the command. It would be great if multiple possible commands are told.


2 Answers 2


I would try to add a vector as a column with missing values to B and then just bind both datframes by rows:

empty<-c(NA * nrow(B))
cbind(B, empty)

rbind(A, B)

This can be accomplished in multiple ways using base functions and other packages:

You could try merge:

merge(x, y, by, by.x, by.y, sort = TRUE)


And data.table. Example here.


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