I'm trying to implement paging using the SDK v3 CosmosClient instead of the old DocumentClient.

Reason for this is it seems DocumentClient doesn't translate LINQ queries that contains spatial functions very well (ie: When using Within() I'll get an error from DocumentClient stating the methods is not implemented).

Paging works well with DocumentClient.CreateDocumentQuery<T> as such:

var query = DocumentClient.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("master", "features"), feedOptions)
                .Where(t => t.Type == typeof(T).Name)

string queryContinuationToken = null;
var page = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>();
if (query.HasMoreResults)
    queryContinuationToken = page.ResponseContinuation;

I'm at a little loss as to where to gather a continuation token using CosmosClient and its Container class:

QueryRequestOptions options = new QueryRequestOptions();
options.MaxItemCount = maxRecords;

FeedIterator<T> feed;

if (continuationToken == "")
    feed = Container.GetItemLinqQueryable<T>(true, null, options).Where(x => x.Type == typeof(T).Name).Where(pred).ToFeedIterator();
    feed = Container.GetItemLinqQueryable<T>(true, continuationToken, options).Where(x => x.Type == typeof(T).Name).Where(pred).ToFeedIterator();

FeedIterator seems to have some of the members IDocumentQuery has (like HasMoreResults) but I can't find a continuation token anywhere.

What am I missing?

  • Is this section about FetchNextSetAsync(): "Reading many items from the container" useful?
    – Crowcoder
    Commented Dec 12, 2019 at 15:49
  • @Crowcoder Seems out of date already. CosmosClient has no Database member, Container has no Items member. Commented Dec 12, 2019 at 16:21
  • if u use order by we r getting error while passing token for next apge Commented Feb 26, 2021 at 15:01

3 Answers 3


Alright, here's a Where method I implemented. Seems to work at first glance.

If you do var f = feed.ReadNextAsync() you won't get an object that's of type FeedResponse, preventing you access to the token. You need to declare f explicitly of type FeedResponse<T>

public async Task<(IEnumerable<T> Results, string ContinuationToken)> Where<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> pred, int maxRecords = 0, string partitionKey = "", string continuationToken = "") where T : IDocumentModel

    QueryRequestOptions options = new QueryRequestOptions();

    if (partitionKey != "")
        options.PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(partitionKey);

    if (maxRecords == 0)
        return (Container.GetItemLinqQueryable<T>(true, null, options).Where(x => x.Type == typeof(T).Name).Where(pred), "");
        options.MaxItemCount = maxRecords;
        string token = "";
        FeedIterator<T> feed;
        List<T> res = new List<T>();

        if (continuationToken == "")
            feed = Container.GetItemLinqQueryable<T>(true, null, options).Where(x => x.Type == typeof(T).Name).Where(pred).ToFeedIterator();
            feed = Container.GetItemLinqQueryable<T>(true, continuationToken, options).Where(x => x.Type == typeof(T).Name).Where(pred).ToFeedIterator();

        Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.FeedResponse<T> f = await feed.ReadNextAsync();
        token = f.ContinuationToken;

        foreach (var item in f)

        return (res, token);

  • How to implement Orderby? Commented Feb 26, 2021 at 15:01

With the version 3.12.0 of the Cosmos SDK the following works as expected as a pretty much in place replacement for the older DocumentQuery.

Original DocumentClient method for comparison:

IDocumentQuery<ToDoItem> query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<ToDoItem>(collectionUri)
            .Where(t => t.Description.Contains(searchterm))

while (query.HasMoreResults)
  foreach (ToDoItem result in await query.ExecuteNextAsync())

Using a CosmosClient this becomes:

var database = client.GetDatabase("ToDoItems");
var container = database.GetContainer("Items");

var query = container.GetItemLinqQueryable<ToDoItem>()
     .Where(t => t.Description.Contains(searchTerm))

while (query.HasMoreResults)
  foreach (ToDoItem result in await query.ReadNextAsync())

So your query is now a FeedIterator, and you can call HasMoreResults and ReadNextAsync on it.

Admittedly this won't get you access to the diagnostics, request charge, etc. that comes on the FeedIterator, but it will page through the results cleanly.

IQueryable<returnVModel> query;
var requestOptions = new QueryRequestOptions
 MaxItemCount = 20
if (Token == "" || Token == null)
      query = Container.GetItemLinqQueryable<returnVModel>(false, null, requestOptions).Where(x => x.id == id);
      query = Container.GetItemLinqQueryable<returnVModel>(false, Token, requestOptions).Where(x => x.id == id);
 var ct = new CancellationTokenSource();
 var totalCount = await query.CountAsync(ct.Token); //Total Count
 var feedIterator = query.ToFeedIterator();
 var queryResults = new List<returnVModel>();
 FeedResponse<returnVModel> feedResults = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(ct.Token);
 queryResults.AddRange(feedResults); // Output
 var PaginationToken = feedResults.ContinuationToken //Token

First time we need to pass token as null, from next page onwards pass the token which we received in previous output.

Pagination was working fine in v3.

  • @Francis Ducharme Whether we will get any performance issue like that when we move to production? Commented Feb 12, 2021 at 11:38

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