For some reason I cannot get paging properly working for Azure DocumentDB

Here is a code snippet

var finalResults = new List<MyResult>();
// Here I am setting max page size to be 10
var options = new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = 10 };
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<MyResultItem>(collection.SelfLink, options)
                  .SelectMany(r => r.Results)
                  .Where(r => r.Result > 75)
                  .Select(r => r)
 // it only works 1 iteration and next iteration I always get HasMoreResults = false
 // if I set MaxItemCount = 20, then I get 20 only
 while (query.HasMoreResults)
     var pagedResults = query.ExecuteNextAsync<MyResult>().Result;
     foreach (var pagedResult in pagedResults)

No matter what value I set for MaxItemCount, it will only get that many items and will not get the next batch, so I get query.HasMoreResults always returning false on the second iteration. I cannot find where the problem is


Json structure is as follows:

.NET object name MyResultItem

    Id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    Name: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    Results: [
        { Id: 1, Result: 123 },
        { Id: 2, Result: 40 },
        { Id: 3, Result: 75 }

I am trying to get a flat list of "Results" where Result > 75

  • For clarification - how many results are you expecting? From the question I assume you're expecting than 20 documents? Mind posting some sample data?
    – Andrew Liu
    Commented May 11, 2015 at 17:52
  • @aliuy Hi, I am expecting about 975 results. I think there is a limitation on SelectMany. Looks like you can only "page" top level documents, not children of the object (i.e. r.Results is a child array within MyResults). Although, I may be wrong
    – fenix2222
    Commented May 11, 2015 at 23:22

1 Answer 1


This appears to be a bug w/ DocumentDB; the continuation token misbehaves for selectmany (and joins) when the number of elements in the child array is less than the request's page size.

I found a similar thread on the MSDN forums on this subject.

A fix is currently being worked on.

In the meantime, you can try to work around this issue by increasing the page size (e.g. set it to the max of 1,000).

  • Good to know. Setting it to 1,000 defeats the purpose of having paging in the first place. What if I have 5000 items, can I set it to 1000 and still get 5 pages?
    – fenix2222
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 0:24
  • Also, I don't get this limitation "Maximum number of values per IN expression* 100", if I set MaxItemCount = 1000, I do get 1000, not 100.
    – fenix2222
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 0:45
  • Right, you can set the page size to max (1000) as a temporary workaround; this would not make sense after the bug is fixed. For 5000 items - the query will work depending on the shape of the document. For example the query should always work for a data sent of 5000 docs, however you may get incorrect results for a data set of 2 documents with 2500 array elements each (array size > page size). Selectmany flattens elements from the array. If the IN operator is used on the parent document, you can expect expanded results.
    – Andrew Liu
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 2:33
  • You can output the toString() of the LINQ query to see the equivalent SQL syntax. This may help shed some light on the query behavior.
    – Andrew Liu
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 2:39

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