At the moment, all the available flights that was received from API are successfully loaded on the page. However, I would like to enable the end user to search specific flight, let's say, by flight number and departure date. How can I integrate this searching functionality in the existing codes?


 render() {
    return (
        {this.props.loading ? (
        ) : (
          <FlightList flights={this.props.flights} />

As you can see the bellow code, I have used table to present the results.I would like to show only one result or blank table when searching is applied. Can you help me to achieve this?


const FlightList = ({ flights }) => (
  <table className="table">
        <th />
      {flights.map((f, i) => {
        return (
          <tr key={i}>
              <input type="checkbox" name="flightListCheckbox" />
  • 2
    How about filtering flights before rendering FlightList, what have you tried? Commented Nov 7, 2019 at 13:50
  • I want the results to be shown on the page by default. Then, the user can search
    – Daniel
    Commented Nov 7, 2019 at 13:55

4 Answers 4


You could use filter to create a searching functionality like I would at first add an input where I can insert my filter values


handleInput: (event) => {
  const { name, value } = event.target

  this.setState({ [name]: value })

render () {
  const { filter } = this.state
  return (
      <input onChange=(this.handleInput) value={filter} name='filter' />
      <FlightList flights={this.props.flights} filterValues={filter} />

Then I would use my state to filter my Object like


const FlightList = ({ flights, filterValue }) => {

const filterdFlights = flights.filter(flight => Object.values(flight).includes(filterValue))

return (
  <table className="table">
        <th />
      {filterdFlights.map((f, i) => {
        return (
          <tr key={i}>
              <input type="checkbox" name="flightListCheckbox" />


You need an input for search and filter flights by value of input. Try this

class FlightPage extends React.Component {
  state = {
    keyword: '',


  getFlights = () => {
    const { keyword } = this.state
    const { flights } = this.props

    return flights.filter(flight => flight.name.includes(keyword)) // name or something else

  onInputChange = e => {
    this.setState({ keyword: e.target.value })

  render () {
    return (
        <input onChange=(this.onInputChange) value={this.state.keyword} />
        <FlightList flights={this.getFlights()} />


You can filter your flights array using flights.filter or sort it using flights.sort.


You could try to use jquery datatable. It adds a lot of funcionality to tables easy to implement.

DataTable doc

  • Why should we use another JS Libary when we already use react this is not necessary.
    – Antoni
    Commented Nov 7, 2019 at 14:00

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