When I am doing string comparison, I am getting that 2 strings are not equal even though they are equal.

I am extracting text from 2 PDFs. Extracted text is same. But I can see some font change in one of them. I am not understanding why?

str1 = 'Confirmations'

str2 = 'Confirmations'

str1 == str2


3 Answers 3


You need to compare the normalized forms of the strings to ignore irrelevant typographical differences.


In [59]: import unicodedata

In [60]: str1 = 'Confirmations'

In [61]: str2 = 'Confirmations'

In [62]: str1 == str2
Out[62]: False

In [63]: unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', str1) == unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', str2)
Out[63]: True

The problem is that "fi" inside the string in the first case is a ligature (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typographic_ligature), while in the second is the sum of "f" and "i".

You can use a function to check if the ligature is present and substitute it with plain text

def ligature(string):
    if 'fi' in string:
        string.replace('fi', 'fi')
    return string

you can also add other if statements for other ligatures if you found more in your text.

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    – Matteo
    Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 7:21

Using difflib library you can see that there is visible differnce between string that you want to compare. To check it by yourself you can try instruction as follows:

>>> import difflib
>>> str2 = 'Confirmations'
>>> str1 = 'Confirmations'
>>> print('\n'.join(difflib.ndiff([str1], [str2])))

which yields to

- Confirmations
?    ^

+ Confirmations
?    ^^


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