I'm reading multiple .txt files using list.file() and file.path(). Just wanted to parse the full path names and extract the portion after the last “/” and before the “.”

Here is the structure of file path names :

"C:/Users/Alexandre/Desktop/COURS/FORMATIONS/THESE/PROJET/RESULTATS/Vessel features/Fusion/OK/SAT-DPL192C.txt"

The code I've tried

# l <- list.files(pattern = "SAT(.+)*.txt")
# f <- file.path(getwd(), c=(l))
f <- c("C:/Users/Alexandre/Desktop/COURS/FORMATIONS/THESE/PROJET/RESULTATS/Vessel features/Fusion/OK/SAT-DPL192C.txt", "C:/Users/Alexandre/Desktop/COURS/FORMATIONS/THESE/PROJET/RESULTATS/Vessel features/Fusion/OK/SAT-DPL193D.txt")
d <- lapply(f, read.delim)
names(d) <- gsub(".*/(.*)..*", "1", f)

Last string give [1] "1" "1" instead of [1] "DPL192C" "DPL193D" etc...

I've also tried the syntax like ".*/(.+)*..* for the portion to conserv with same result.

  • How about gsub(".*([^/]+)\\..*","\\1",f) Commented Jan 7, 2019 at 22:34

1 Answer 1


A . is a special character, so you need to escape it. Please, when you want to grab the captured expression, you need to use \\1, not just 1. Try this:

gsub(".*/(.*)\\..*", "\\1", f)
# [1] "SAT-DPL192C" "SAT-DPL193D"

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