having some trouble with adding profiles after some external assembly already added mapperconfiguration on the DI-setup.

first i just added some code to add the profiles

       var mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
        services.AddSingleton<IMapper>(new Mapper(mapperConfiguration));

but then i overwrote some other mappingprofiles.

so i was thinking, i should try to add mine to the existing mappingconfiguration.

so i was going this way

        var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();
        var autoMapper = sp.GetService<IMapper>();
        var mapperConfiguration = autoMapper?.ConfigurationProvider as MapperConfiguration;

        var configuration = new MapperConfigurationExpression();

        if (mapperConfiguration == null)
            mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(configuration);
            //add the previous as well
            //?? add this `configuration` ?

        services.AddSingleton<IMapper>(new Mapper(mapperConfiguration));

but i am a little stuck on the else flow. Any advice?


1 Answer 1


That's not possible. If an assembly uses a private MapperConfiguration, then that's its own business. If it wants to collaborate with the app, it should not define a MapperConfiguration, it should define profiles to be scanned by the app and added to the singleton MapperConfiguration owned by the app. The AM configuration is read-only, after the init phase it's not possible to change it.

  • makes sense. thnx! how should/could i make that happen? if i have my own assemblies..
    – Roelant M
    Commented Jul 11, 2018 at 12:16
  • "If it wants to collaborate with the app, it should not define a MapperConfiguration, it should define profiles to be scanned by the app and added to the singleton MapperConfiguration owned by the app." Commented Jul 11, 2018 at 12:23

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