some pies in my ggplot are very small and cant see the repartition of the "porteur" inside. my second problem is that the first pies are very close to each other so we cant know how much they are, i want to make this plot clear. but when i use log10 scale i get the error : "Error in seq.default(min, max, by = by) : 'from' must be a finite number".
here's my plot :
here's my data :
industry comt cattt volll Filiale MCI Visa National UPI Amex
1 Appl, Furni, Mate 23606.424 1181598 6219 1708 359 1516 2636 9 1
2 Business expenses 4726.499 183885 3592 1163 131 686 1612 9 654
3 Clothing 47893.360 1918793 15939 3187 1218 4993 6532 86 86
4 Education and health 62877.728 2754194 37736 10743 2132 8301 16551 19 5428
5 Luxury 358699.815 20129817 192014 63765 16257 44096 67810 8 0
6 others 103460.838 6927711 65699 10968 4924 26728 23060 7 0
7 Personal services 78880.119 3112051 28755 6207 2718 7656 12165 124 0
8 Restaurants 218580.788 8892880 88280 15171 10357 34500 27591 2 0
9 Retail 702095.418 40652702 524690 157434 39082 125088 202876 5 0
10 Technology 65161.087 3573220 28920 8154 1784 5656 13324 39 0
11 Transportation 61907.204 20052011 38831 9570 6363 7063 15830 0 0
12 Travel 2338812.925 103582243 293428 12839 68019 173803 33300 0 0
and here's my code :
p <- ggplot(dt, aes(cattt, comt))
kk = p + geom_scatterpie(aes(x=cattt/23, y=comt, r= volll),
data = dt, cols = c("Filiale", "MCI", "Visa","National", 'UPI','Amex'),color=NA, alpha=.6)+
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Type \n Porteur"))+
geom_scatterpie_legend(dt$volll, x=500000, y=2500000)