I have following array which contains strings;

let data = ["2018-1", "2018-5", "2018-11", "2018-2", "2018-10", "2018-12"];

these strings are composed of number (year and month).

Can you tell me why didn't work following function for sorting? I need sort this array from latest date to oldest. In this case from "2018-12" to "2018-1".

I am using lodash in whole project so I try use it here as well.

var result = _.sortBy(data, function(i) {
  var x = i.split("-").map(Number);
  return [x[0], x[1]];

can you tell me why this code doesn't work and how to fix it? Thanks.

  • Can you tell us, what "this code doesn't work" means?
    – Teemu
    Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 18:32
  • Why not use the built-in JavaScript .sort() method on the array? It's more flexible than the lodash sort.
    – Pointy
    Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 18:34
  • 1
    the missing of leading zero for month smaller than 10 makes sorting complicated. the most easy solution would using a leading zero for month numbers and use the date string directly. Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 18:38
  • The first error that I got is Uncaught ReferenceError: _ is not defined What do you mean with "this code doesn't work", show me the error, please Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 18:39
  • the problem with this question is, you have the date in a niche sortable format, but you change it to a unsortable format for the final result. the question now is a philosophical approach to change the original given well formated back to a wrong, but needed, or just to use the well formatted date and later change the date to the wanted format. Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 18:51

3 Answers 3


I added a few more dates as proof.

let data = ["2018-1", "2018-5", "2018-11", "2018-2", "2018-10", "2018-12", "2017-5", "2019-12"];

var result = data.sort((a, b) => {
  var n1 = a.split("-");
  var n2 = b.split("-");
  n1 = parseInt(n1[0]) * 100 + parseInt(n1[1]);
  n2 = parseInt(n2[0]) * 100 + parseInt(n2[1]);
  return n1 - n2;



Unfortunately, sortBy doesn't support compound keys, so your array key is converted to a string. A workaround is either to provide two separate keys:

var result = _.sortBy(data, [
    x => Number(x.split('-')[0]),
    x => Number(x.split('-')[1]),

or synthesize a numeric one:

var result = _.sortBy(data, x => {
    x = x.split('-');
    return Number(x[0]) * 1000 + Number(x[1])

Finally, you can take a risk and try Date.parse:

var result = _.sortBy(data, Date.parse)

which looks neat, but requires some cross-browser testing.


You could chain the splitted deltas for year and month.

var data = ["2018-1", "2018-5", "2018-11", "2018-2", "2018-10", "2018-12", "2017-5", "2019-12"],
    result = data.sort((a, b) => {
        var aa = a.split("-"),
            bb = b.split("-");

        return aa[0] - bb[0] || aa[1] - bb[1];


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