when I try to select rows by a date as variable I get None as result
c.execute('SELECT * FROM ES_F WHERE date = {};'.format('2017-10-23'))
----> None
when I put the same date inside the SQL definition it works fine and I get the row I wanted.
c.execute("""SELECT * FROM ES_F WHERE date = '2017-10-23';""")
----> ('2017-10-23', '09:27', 567, 'Mon', 2576.5, 2574.0, 2572.75, 2577.25, 2572.0, 2577.25, 2061.0, 159300, 3096574, 'ESZ7')
I would like to use as variable though because I have to use it recursively. Any idea of why it does not work? thanks