One possible way to achieve this is to (ab-)use the confirm-kill-emacs mechanism: this is meant to be a function that asks the user for confirmation about killing emacs. However, instead of using an interactive function, you could introduce a special variable that is true only if the kill command has been invoked through C-x C-c, and the confirm function simple returns the value of that variable.
Put the following in your .emacs file:
(defvar killed-from-keyboard nil)
(setq confirm-kill-emacs '(lambda (prompt) killed-from-keyboard))
(defun save-buffers-kill-emacs-from-keyboard (&optional arg)
(condition-case nil
(progn (setq killed-from-keyboard t)
(save-buffers-kill-terminal arg))
((quit error)
(setq killed-from-keyboard nil))))
(global-set-key [(control x) (control c)] 'save-buffers-kill-emacs-from-keyboard)