I updated VMware Fusion to 8.5.6 on a MacBook with OSX 10.11.6. I downloaded and installed the most recent VMware Tools (VMware-Tools-10.1.5-core-5055683). The guest OS is Debian 8. Although cut&paste now works, I can't mount a shared directory. Although the shared directory is there:
$ sudo vmware-hgfsclient
and the mount point is there:
$ ls /media
cdrom cdrom0 common
the mount command fails:
$ sudo mount -v -t vmhgfs .host:/common /media/common
Original command line: "/sbin/mount.vmhgfs -v -o rw .host:/common /media/common"
Host component of share name is ".host"
Directory component of share name is "/common"
Parsing option string: rw
Setting mount read-write
Error: cannot mount filesystem: Invalid argument
I'm not sure what is wrong as the names are correct. The module is also there:
$ lsmod | grep hg
vmhgfs 65266 0
vmw_vmci 55383 1 vmhgfs
Am I using the wrong version of the VMware tools?