I updated VMware Fusion to 8.5.6 on a MacBook with OSX 10.11.6. I downloaded and installed the most recent VMware Tools (VMware-Tools-10.1.5-core-5055683). The guest OS is Debian 8. Although cut&paste now works, I can't mount a shared directory. Although the shared directory is there:

$ sudo vmware-hgfsclient 

and the mount point is there:

$ ls /media
cdrom cdrom0 common

the mount command fails:

$ sudo mount -v -t vmhgfs  .host:/common /media/common
Original command line: "/sbin/mount.vmhgfs -v -o rw .host:/common /media/common"
Host component of share name is ".host"
Directory component of share name is "/common"
Parsing option string: rw
Setting mount read-write
Error: cannot mount filesystem: Invalid argument

I'm not sure what is wrong as the names are correct. The module is also there:

$ lsmod | grep hg
vmhgfs                 65266  0 
vmw_vmci               55383  1 vmhgfs

Am I using the wrong version of the VMware tools?


2 Answers 2


run command in virtual machine:

mkdir /mnt/hgfs
vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs
# permit other user access
vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs -o allow_other

It seems the VMware Tools and the HGFS mounter do not go hand in hand, i.e. one might have VMware Tools up and running without the HGFS mounter being there. I managed to make it work by downloading the VMware Tools 10.1.0 instead of 10.1.5, installing with vmware-install.pl, AND subsequently running

apt-get install open-vm-tools

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