I'm converting a swift project to objective c, but i get some trouble because i don't know how to convert follow code. Please help me. Thanks!

   public enum UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacingMode {
    case fixed(spacing: CGFloat)
    case overlap(visibleOffset: CGFloat)


fileprivate var currentPage: Int = 0 {
    didSet {
        let character = self.items[self.currentPage]
        self.infoLabel.text = character.name.uppercased()
        self.detailLabel.text = character.movie.uppercased()
  • 2
    The first snippet cannot be converted to Objective-C because an enum with associated types is not available in ObjC. The second snippet can be converted by implementing the explicit setter of the property.
    – vadian
    Commented Jan 20, 2017 at 5:38
  • 1
    Converting Objective-C to Swift is a much easier task than trying to do a one-to-one conversion from Swift to Objective C. Swift's enums are unique and powerful, I doubt you'll find a simple way to convert it to Swift Commented Jan 20, 2017 at 5:38

1 Answer 1


The first (an enum with associated values) has no direct equivalent in Objective-C. For your particular example, you could use something like this:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacingMode) {

typedef struct {
    UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacingMode mode;
    CGFloat amount;
} UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacing;

You would just pass around values of type UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacing. You could create helper functions to make these easier to create, e.g.

UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacing UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacingMakeFixed(CGFloat spacing) {
    UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacing value;
    value.mode = UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacingModeFixed;
    value.amount = spacing;
    return value;

UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacing UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacingMakeOverlap(CGFloat visibleOffset) {
    UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacing value;
    value.mode = UPCarouselFlowLayoutSpacingModeOverlap;
    value.amount = visibleOffset;
    return value;

For the second, you can override the setter method of your Objective-C class's currentPage property:

- (void)setCurrentPage:(NSInteger)page {
    _page = page;

    MovieCharacter *character = self.items[page];
    self.infoLabel.text = character.name.localizedUppercaseString;
    self.detailLabel.text = character.movie.localizedUppercaseString;

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