I have a ID with special characters. I need to get the value of this input with JQUERY.
<input style="text-align:center; width:50px;" type="text" onKeyPress="jq(this.id);" value="5" id="adhocGlobal_#@HELLO DAVID%VSOP1240%6X0.7LFIG">
function jq(str) {
var id = str.replace(/[%#;&,\.\+\@*~':"!\^\$\[\]\(\)=>|\/\\]/g, '\\\\$&');
var value = $("#"+id).val();
I try with this, but i dont have response in the alert. Help! please!
var id = str.replace()
.There was target with new id .If you neednew id
input value are or` keypress` input value.