I am learning about elastic search and I am following the next tutorial, but I get the next error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The number of object passed must be even but was [1]
at org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest.source(IndexRequest.java:451)
at elastic.elasti.App.lambda$0(App.java:55)
at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1249)
at elastic.elasti.App.indexExampleData(App.java:53)
at elastic.elasti.App.main(App.java:45)
Could you help me to fix it please?
public class App
public static void main( String[] args ) throws TwitterException, UnknownHostException
System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
List tweetJsonList = searchForTweets();
Client client = TransportClient.builder().build()
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9300));
String index = "tweets_juan";
.create(new CreateIndexRequest(index))
indexExampleData(client, tweetJsonList, index);
public static void indexExampleData(Client client, List tweetJsonList, String index) {
BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequestBuilder = client.prepareBulk();
tweetJsonList.forEach((jsonTweet) -> {
bulkRequestBuilder.add(new IndexRequest(index, "tweets_juan")
BulkResponse bulkItemResponses = bulkRequestBuilder.get();
public static void searchExample(Client client) {
BoolQueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders
.must(termsQuery("text", "españa"));
SearchResponse searchResponse = client.prepareSearch("tweets_juan")
public static List searchForTweets() throws TwitterException {
Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
Query query = new Query("mundial baloncesto");
List tweetList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
QueryResult queryResult = twitter.search(query);
if (!queryResult.hasNext()) {
query = queryResult.nextQuery();
Gson gson = new Gson();
return (List) tweetList.stream().map(gson::toJson).collect(Collectors.toList());