I have a grep -o '100%' piped after a wget, so I'm only notified that wget completed the download, without useless information on screen. But each 100% is printed on a new line, and I don't like this flood! So, is there a way to tr the newlines into spaces, by piping tr after grep? All I got was no result, each time I tried...

2 Answers 2


You would have gotten output eventually, but all in one go. This is due to buffering.

GNU grep has a --line-buffered to avoid output buffering. tr does input buffering with no apparent way to turn it off, so you can use awk instead:

wget -r -l 1 http://stackoverflow.com/ 2>&1 |
    grep --line-buffered -o '100%' | awk '{printf("%s ", $0);}'
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 
  • "You would have gotten output eventually, but all in one go." True, I confirmed now. I have not waited long because there were a lot of files to download, and it's very annoying to look at a screen that has no information about what is happening!
    – user4863385
    Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 22:11
  • Are you sure that --line-buffered disables buffering? Both man and info says otherwise: "Use line buffering on output.". By the way, using it or not gives the same result: all 100% only at the end.
    – user4863385
    Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 22:29
  • Are you trying the command as provided here or did you just add --line-buffered to your existing command? Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 22:45
  • I followed your instructions, but only after the wget. So I maintained my wget (not recursive, input from file) and added what you suggested. Anyway, now I tested exactly what you suggested, except without the line break between wget and grep, and there was no 100% until I aborted the process for taking too long without any output, and noticing that the download stopped at 18 items on the folder.
    – user4863385
    Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 0:03
  • That's pretty strange and I can't reproduce it. How about if you use stdbuf -oL wget ... ? Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 2:22

It's buffering, see Why no output is shown when using grep twice?. Just use awk:

$ wget -r -l 1 https://stackoverflow.com/ 2>&1 | awk 'match($0,/100%/){printf "%s ", substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}'
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

or probably more useful:

$ wget -r -l 1 https://stackoverflow.com/ 2>&1 | awk '/100%/{printf "."}'
  • I copied and executed the commands as they were written by you. Both downloaded 18 items, gave no output, and needed to be canceled (CTRL+C) to stop executing. I think, with this repeating to more than 1 solution of more than 1 replier, that other things needs to be checked. On which version of wget your solution worked?
    – user4863385
    Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 5:00
  • GNU Wget 1.16.3 built on cygwin.
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 5:36
  • I was on 1.17.1, so I updated to 1.18 and tried again. Same non-results... So it's not wget the culprit. Maybe awk? Here it's being caled mawk by man and info.
    – user4863385
    Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 21:01
  • Only suggestion I have left is to install gawk, sorry.
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 22:02

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