I was writing a test case for a simple c++ program using CppUnit API. my program is four files:
- Calc.h : Defines the class with the methods to test
- TestCalc.h/cpp : Defines/impelents the class which tests the methods of Calc
- runTestCalc.cpp: Main function which executes the test.
I installed the CppUnit and it has the files under:
/usr/local/include/cppunit and /usr/include/cppunit
the libs under /usr/lib :
The question I have is how to compile this example assuming the proper CppUnit header files are properly included in the sources
I tried this:
g++ -I/usr/include/cppunit/ runTestCalc.cpp TestCalc.cpp
The other question is when to do
-I/to/include/ -L/to/lib
When to link ?