I am looking for a JavaScript example to play with the Microsoft Graph API. Although I have found https://github.com/OfficeDev/O365-Angular-Microsoft-Graph-Connect; I don't get it to work. Do I need to be an AAD admin to get it properly registered? I am only a regular user of my organization's Office365 tenant.
I have used the wizard at http://graph.microsoft.io/app-registration. I both registered the app via 1) the current Registration Tool and 2) the new Registration Portal. Both routes provided me a unique clientId. When I try to run the Angular example via clientId 1 I get the following error:
AADSTS90093: Calling principal cannot consent due to lack of permissions.
And via clientId 2 I get the following error:
Application '<clientId>' is not supported for this API version.
What is your guidance?