I have an *.flv file on a FMS. When I play it on the client side the video plays just fine, but when I call Stream.play(filename, 0, -1, false) on the server side the video turns out really choppy.
I both cases I use NetConnection to connect to an rtmp and NetStream to play the stream, but in one case I connect to a stream and request the server to play my file on that stream. Apparently that doesn't work with files? It works just fine for live streams.
I really don't get why this should differ at all. Any suggestions?
Just to clarify. This is what I wanna do, and what I'm currently doing. Example from fms api.
The following example shows how to use Stream.play() as a hub to switch between live streams and recorded streams:
// Set up the server stream.
application.myStream = Stream.get("foo");
if (application.myStream){
// This server stream plays "Live1",
// "Record1", and "Live2" for 5 seconds each.
application.myStream.play("Live1", -1, 5);
application.myStream.play("Record1", 0, 5, false);
application.myStream.play("Live2", -1, 5, false);